Spiritual Awakening Stages and Symptoms
Spiritual Awakening Process, spiritual awakening stages, and symptoms: Spirituality is hidden in each of us naturally. Because each of us originates from spirit (Paramatma). And the root of spirituality is spirit (Paramatma). But spirituality is not manifested in everyone. Those whose minds are in a close position as much quantity as to the spirit (Paramatma), spirituality awaken that’s the quantity. But the sad thing is that very few people in the world have a sense of nearness to the spirit. And those who are in or around have very little feeling. Because human thought does not want to go to spirit (Paramatman). People do not want to think spirit’s thoughts. People do not want to think where is the root? Where did he come from? So people have become detached from their original spirit (Paramatman). As a result, spirituality is not awakened in their minds.
In short, as much as who is connected with the spirit (Paramatma) or the origin of creation, he has that quantity of spirituality. And we do not have a spiritual awakening because we have no connection with the spirit (Paramatman) or the origin of creation.
And some people in a very small form, knowledge or spirituality is awakened. Again someone is a little more awake. But in the final stage, it is awakened only among the great men. And great men are very rare in this world. However, as much as knowledge or spirituality is awakened Among those, he has to nurture it and gradually increase his spirituality. Because awakening to spirituality is not a normal thing. It has to be in the mind by nature. And it is not possible to awaken it if it is not by nature in the mind.
Spiritual Awakening Process and high-level spiritual people.
The above words do not apply to everyone. This only applies to high-level spiritual people. Because the feeling of reaching the final stage of spirituality cannot be expressed in words. It is not even possible to describe it. Only those who have reached that level will understand it. For this reason, the great spiritual man Jalal Uddin Rumi (Rah) said, if the sun comes to the earth, the earth will not be able to tolerate it. Then the earth burns, it will be completely destroyed. In that way, if a high level of spirituality suddenly appears in the human heart, then people will not be able to bear it. People’s hearts will burn and be destroyed.
I say the above because we get a little bit of a sense of spirituality and think that this is the maturity of spirituality. No, not at all. It is just a touch of spirituality. As I said before, full spirituality is not a normal thing. In the holy book Gita, it is said that “It is a rare birth to be born in a saintly family”. That is to say, being in contact with a spiritual great man is a matter of rare or absolute good fortune. Then think about how rare it is to attain full spirituality?
But there is nothing to be disappointed in. Even if spirituality is not awakened in our hearts, we should try again and again. Because trying to awaken is also a matter of absolute good fortune. How many people are in the world trying to awaken spirituality?
Spiritual Awakening Process:
1. Positive Thought:
People are action-oriented. People have to live by action. But at the root of action is the thought consciousness or the feeling of the mind. At the root of every human action should be positive thinking. Let people think honestly all the time. People should always devote themselves to charity without thinking about their own interests. No action or thought of man should be for his own interest.
People should stay away from evil thoughts. Because every single thought of the human mind lives to accumulate in the mind layer by layer. And only if the amount of positive thoughts accumulated in the layers is more, then only in the human mind does spirituality begin to awaken.
2. Meditation:
Meditation is one of the most powerful methods for spiritual awakening. The biographies of all the great men who have come to earth from the beginning of creation to the present day show that they have all meditated at some point in their lives.
For example, the preacher of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has been meditating in the cave of Mount Hera for 15 consecutive years. Gautama Buddha, the preacher of Buddhism, has been meditating all his life. In the Gita of Hinduism, the highest importance has been given to the practice of meditation.
All in all, meditation is the most reliable method of awakening spirituality. It is through meditation that man can bring about spiritual awakening within himself.
3. Immersing oneself in nature:
Living life in such a way that there is no desire in life. Everything seems to be the will of nature. It is as if we are chosen by the will of nature. My house, my car, these are like nothing to me.
I don’t have much fascination with these. I have nothing for myself. It’s as if I’ve been here for a few days. In this way, one has to surrender oneself to nature. In this way one has to surrender one’s desires to nature, then spirituality will be gradually awakened in the mind.
4. Following the breath:
From birth, we have been constantly breathing in the unconsciousness of the mind. This exchange of breaths happens to us knowingly or unknowingly. Breathing is related to the state of mind. And there is a relation of spirituality with the state of mind. And whenever you follow your breath, the mind will start to refrain from thinking about other things.
Then the mind will be self-centered. In this way, if the mind is made self-centered from external thoughts. Then spirituality will gradually begin to awaken. The question may come when will you do it? You can do this at any time of the day. The more you do, the better. If you can, you can do it all day. Because it does not interfere with the work.
5. Guru Meditation

Guru Meditation is another part of spiritual awakening process. This method is very popular in Asia. Especially in India, its prevalence is the highest. Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti, Bu Alisha Shah Kalandar, Amir Khasru, Nizamuddin Aulia all ascended to the highest peak of spirituality through guru meditation. Again, in the Middle East and all the great men who reached the highest peak of spirituality, also reached the highest peak through this method. Abdul Quader Jilani, Jalal Uddin Rumi, Imam Ghazzali are among them. In writing Lalon Sai of Bangladesh, the idea of Guru meditation has come to the fore.
1. Alone
Choosing to be alone is a sign of awakening to spirituality. Spiritual person love to be alone. Whenever you feel like being alone you will think it is a very good sign. The more spirituality you have, the stronger your desire to be alone.
2. Feeling prone
Another sign of awakening to spirituality is feeling prone. Spiritual person are very prone to feelings. Whenever your mind and body begin to feel prone, you will feel that it is part of spirituality.